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Who is Fairview?

Click on one of the links to learn about Fairview's Mission, Beliefs, and History...

Fairview's Mission

Fairview's Beliefs

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First Visit to Fairview?

We are honored you are thinking about visiting us at Fairview. If you have any questions about our church please feel free to call us at 706-232-6621 or leave us a question at the right of your screen and we will respond back as soon as possible. If you would like to find out more about our regular services at Fairvew click here.

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Fairview's Leadership

God has blessed Fairview with a gifted and passionate leadership team with the desire to make disciples. Take time to Meet our Team!

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Join the Fairview Family

Church members commit to joining a spiritual family who provides encouragement and support. They are called to a higher degree of responsibility, service, and sacrifice. Our pastors and ministry leaders pledge to assist our members with care, counsel, prayer, and teaching. It’s our hope that you will commit to being a member at Fairview. Click here to learn more about joining the Fairview Family!

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The Good News

Many spend their lives trying to earn God’s approval by following rules, attending religious services, or being a good person; the truth is that the only way to a fulfilling life and an eternal future in heaven is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?